Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Work Shenanigans

me at work

I have a question, can someone do their work without a proper title?

for example, if a manager didn't have the title of "manager" can he/she be able to manage a team? Who would listen to him/her?

That was my struggle for the past 2 months. My manager refused to give me the title of coordinator and thus, it was a challenge getting people to work.

I find myself having to thank people for doing their job... CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? It's like... I'm paid to tell you what to do and you are paid to listen to my instructions and follow... and yet I have to thank you to do your work? First, you aren't working for me, you are working for the company... who is paying you. KNOW YOUR ROLE!

It was horrible. Especially in Japan, where hierarchy is EVERYTHING. You can be the dumbest, most illogical person, yet, if you have the title of Manager, suddenly EVERYTHING you say becomes a commandment. It is the same vice versa, and that was my challenge.

I'm usually happy at work

I'm still combating this... but would appreciate prayers!! (and suggestions)

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