Tuesday, September 10, 2013

What's in your coat pocket?

photo credits:thenextfamily.com

It has been a very harsh week to remind us not only has school started but so has Autumn. That means it's time for my old coats and jackets to come out of the closet.

I don't know about you but I always find it so fascinating how there are so many things you can discover in your pockets: useful things like coins (Pennies, Nickels and quarters), paper clips, unused wet towels, pens, mittens and gloves etc, and no so useful things like old tissues (eww), old business cards, public transit tickets, receipts and candy wrappers.

It's actually kind of fun going though what you have, your coat pocket is sort of like a time capsule, when you find things in it, it reminds you of what you did last Autumn/Winter.... see what you find this Autumn/Winter ;)

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