Thursday, September 12, 2013

highlighting :D

photo credits: 
I almost forgot just how much I love highlighting... love the sound, the colours and the feel... I'm obsessed. I still remember the moment I got my first highlighter when I was 8 years old. Once I was introduced to what "highlighting" was, the way my notes looked forever changed.

Today, I was given 2 highlighters, I literally went though all my notes to see where and what I can highlight... :P I missed my old highlighter friends! :D

I do have a pet peeve for certain highlighting bad habits:
  • I hate when the tip goes off track and my "perfect" line is messed up (you need to concentrate and have a very steady hand/arm)
  • I hate layering highlights and I hate over highlighting
  • I can't stand the look of a page if it is highlighted more than 50%
  • I hate when people use highlighters to colour (no matter what the colour is, I hate it)
  • I hate to use highlighters where the tip has already been overused and mushed up
  • I hate it when highlighters (especially yellow) gets old and they produce a non-highlighting yellow colour
  • I hate when a highlighter's color prevents the text from being visible
  • And finally, I hate when highlighters smudge the text under.

photo credits:
Speaking of highlighting, who shares my obsession? Or should I ask, who is as serious about highlighting as I am?


  1. Haha, I use highlighters on my scores -- blue for rehearsal marks, orange for key or time signature changes, and yellow for any soloist entries. =)

  2. I know what to get you now!! (hint: it starts with the letter H, contains igh and ends in er)
