Wednesday, May 21, 2014

CBC ABC Stereotype

photo credits:

So while reading some Hong Kong entertainment news articles (magazines, whatnot), I came across several misinterpretations of CBCs and ABCs... the conclusion is:

If you like to dress liberally, like to show off your body, opened to kissing strangers, smoking, swearing, extremely liberal, spend a large amount of your "free time" going clubbing, then... You must be CBC or ABC.

(CBC = Canadian Born Chinese, ABC = American Born Chinese, etc)

However, that is simply not true... That isn't even true for Caucasians either...just because a Chinese girl likes to hug and kiss other girls or guys, this doesn't make them ABC, CBC.. she's just... her.

Here I want to clarify a few things...
  1. we are not wild... we do not all like to go crazy...
  2. we don't all swear, e.g. we don't say f*ck, sh*t, etc all the time
  3. we do not smoke... (we care about our health too... ok?)
  4. We don't go clubbing and partying all the time, I have a bunch of CBC, ABC, Caucasian friends, who have not ever gone clubbing.... Ever!
  5. We do not randomly kiss and hug strangers (we do hug/kiss some of our close friends and relatives.. notice I said "SOME" and for most... that's hardly...)
  6. We do not get drunk and go out of control... nor do we enjoy doing so...
SERIOUSLY... We can be very conserve, and most importantly, dressing provocatively doesn't make you CBC, ABC... (for those in HK... LKF is not every CBC, ABC, BBC's dream hangout place...)

Wait for my post on how "Caucasians" view us Chinese (CBC, ABC, etc) over here! (link will be posted here)

(please excuse any grammatical errors... I wrote this out of frustration... didn't even proofread it)

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Loving Others & Heaven

(I am Christian so this is from a point of view of a Christian)

What I realized over the past week while browsing over facebook is that people are very optimistic, they say things like "oh, you are so nice, I will see you in heaven" or "you will be heaven", or for fan pages "**** **** is resting in heaven" etc.

photo source:

but... how can you be sure they will be heaven? are you saying "you will be heaven" just to make them feel good? if you really love them, should you make sure they will be there? it is good to think, you will be in heaven but how?

I understand that for most, you would consider that you will go to heaven and will think so for those you like/love and for those you don't, you wish them to go to hell (am I being too cruel?)... but just because you say they will go to heaven/hell... doesn't mean they will... it is easy to say "he's in heaven now, bless his soul", but by saying that does it make it true?

As a Christian, I believe that there is only ONE way to go to heaven, through our Saviour Jesus Christ and God, the Father is the only one who can say "You can come into heaven" or "no, you are going to hell".

being nice to others do not get them to heaven... actions to make them go to heaven, introduce them to Jesus Christ, if you truly love them get them to heaven... if you feel they are not being good Christians, try to tell them... and ask them to change their ways... words do not mean anything, only actions and results matter.

Everyone loves sweet talk but only the truth is what keeps us from making regrettable mistakes.... and in this case, it is an eternal mistake.

What would you do to bring your loved ones to heaven?