Saturday, March 9, 2019

I'm back!

wow... so that took way longer than expected.

I caught something really bad but the first doctor said it was nothing... I believe him but after a few days my health plunged and knew he was wrong... so I went to another doctor. The doctor said I didn't have the flu BUT... I did have a viral infection, a bacterial infection AND a mild case of Asthma as a result of the delay in proper treatment :(

Those days were painful... I coughed so much it actually hurt. There was a day where I coughed so much I felt my kidney being pushed to the back and hitting a bone or another organ. My ribs also began to hurt too.

Most of the time I spent lying in bed sleeping, coughing, and taking medicine... it was horrible :( It was hard to sleep when I started to cough cause it can go on for 30 minutes to an hour.

I realize how important health is... I mean... I always did... but sometimes I take it for granted. However, after this experience, I learned... if I feel I need to wash my hands... I need to get them washed... don't be lazy. I have to wear a mask on the subway because people who cough in your face are rude and it is our duty to protect ourselves.

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