Monday, March 11, 2019

Does Being a Christian Make You a Loser?

No. Being a Christian doesn't make you more or less of a loser. If you are a loser when you are a Christian, you aren't going to suddenly be cool... Christianity doesn't make you less cool... being cool really depends on who you are and where you are.

I have seen a lot of Christian friends fall away from Christ because they felt it would be cooler. They took the route of being "cool", they started using God's name in Vain, but when you look at their lives... they are a complete mess.

Without the discipline of Christian values to actually keep the loser grounded, they are wrecks: Friends with people who aren't "friends", going into relationships which leads them nowhere, "enjoying" freedom without any purpose, no growth (knowledge, wisdom), and giving lies and excuses after each lie and excuse and wasting away life, completely hopeless. Not attracting the right kinds of friends (when you didn't have good friends as a Christian, what makes you think you can attract them when you aren't? People are attracted by your personality, NOT by your religion or lack thereof)

So if you ask me, if being a Christian makes you a loser? no... at least you are a loser with God, at least you have hope, at least you know what is right from wrong... you aren't afraid because you have Him¹, at least you are going somewhere, but without Him, you don't even have that.

¹ "... for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world." - 1 John 4:4

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