Sunday, February 2, 2014

January 2014

photo credits:

it's been a long time since I've written a true "Xanga" post... come to think of it, I think the last time I had written a post about "me" was when I was still on "xanga" (oops)

so this will be the first post I write about myself on Blogspot! :D

what I've been up to:
- work (literally spending 11.5 hours work + commuting every day)
- celebrated dad's birthday
- have a slight addiction to ramen (:D)
- celebrated Chinese New Year with relatives
- training my left hand how to use the mouse (because when I'm eating and I want to work, it is so much convenient to hold chopsticks with my right hand and mouse with my left :P)
- decide to go back to fellowship
- finally took up writing blogs again (I guess I must be crazy... can I pull off writing 3 blogs?)
- ... I started to update my wordpress again!!! :) (it has been a long time)
- had an interesting conversation about Christianity, Faith, God's Love (convo for... 4 hours... I think)

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