Monday, March 17, 2014

Fake sun...

The sun deceived us all today! There was not a bit of sun's warmth... It was so cold! :(

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Toronto 2014 winter


Spring in one day, winter the next.... DX

we got snowed... again

Just when we were going to celebrate, winter kindly reminds us that it is not over...yet... 10 cm of snow and more to come!!! DX

Thursday, March 6, 2014

weekly update... end of Feb, beginning of March :D

weekly updates... been watching a lot of dramas and movies lately :)

  • got sick with a terrible stomach flu :(
  • finally watched Frozen!!! I cried so many times watching it! It was beautifully made! Highly Recommend it!
  • watched "Wolf of Wall Street"... too many sexual scenes >.< the movie would have been so much better without those scenes.
  • watched Wonderful Single Life 結婚しない" highly recommend this jdrama! I cried a few times during the last 3 episodes (will be doing a review/reflection on it soon)
    Wonderful Single Life
  • Recently during devotions, I have encountered "the year of the Lord's favor" several times, and they were from different parts of the bible... I wonder what does that mean and what does that mean for me?
  • went to Paramount for dinner again, totally love Middle Eastern food
  • celebrated my mom's birthday! :D

    Mom's birthday cake
    mom's birthday dinner

Saturday, March 1, 2014


photo credits:

Why are there so many hackers? 6 months ago it was my facebook and emails... and now... Instagram and Twitter...

After a week of almost being hacked on Instagram and literally hacked on Twitter (I now follow 500+ random people and have a few dozen Russian posts, still cleaning out the mess >.<)

Why do people enjoy hacking other's accounts? :(
What's worse is that, I'm not influential, nor famous... it's not like they are going to get much out of hacking my account anywayz... but it creates a tremendous disturbance for me.. time to create new passwords again :(