unforunately it has pased... I still can't believe that it was 2 nights ago which we had all that fun... anywayz... here's an intro...
Prom night was on June 2nd (2 nights ago),planning took time... it all started at 6:30 AM when I went to
Sof's house so her mom could drive us to get our hair done... it took quite a long time.. but it was defineately worth it... we eneded up leaving at around 9:00, from there, we stopped at STC to check out some clips... but to our luck... none of the stores were opened.. so we decided to get home.... because of the lack of sleep I had got the night before (apprx. 2 hrs) I was tired, and the first thing I did when I finally got home at 11:00 because of the bus, was sleep, and I slept till 3:30 which was the time Sof called me to tell me about the last minute arrangements. After that phone call.. I was unable to get back to sleep.. so I did my nails,a nd waited for Sof, Parthi, and Ivan to arrive at my house... they arrived at around 4:15, and just watched some TV and clips from the Phantom. Later, at around 4:30 Ross and Kim arrived and that was when Sof, Kim and myself, we decided to put on makeup... wow! we all looked so fabulous!! but what surprised (me!?!? only?!?) was the fact that the guys looked fantastic!! I was really impressed by the way they looked. After we were finally ready, the Limo was not here yet, so we decided to take some pics in my backyard... wow!! that was fun and amazing! everyone looked gorgeous!
Finally the limo had arrived and ofcourse the obvious thing was to pile up in the limo... that ride was fun!! Kim Ross and me, we were trying to make the people on the road stare at us, so we tried to wave our hands out the window.. but... we weren't really succesful... and we got nothing but being ignored after that... the weather was greatas I should really comment Once we arrived, all I could say is that everyone looked so pretty and words alike from that. As SOf has mentioned in her entry, as refering to the pics of the so many years of prom , I think we are the most gorgeous most beautful (and everything in between) grads.
unforunately for me... as I brought a Kodak film camera, I was limited to taking 24 pics... luckily.. I had ROss, whose digicam held like 300 pics... GOOD FOR YOU! btw Ross, I'm still waiting for that picture CD. =P
The food looked awesome, except that I was too full, and wasted all of that good food...=(
The dance and the organization of the prom wasn't good, it was confusing,,, there wasn't much order, everything just happened....which I might say was pretty annoying... I didn't like the music played as most of it was weird music which you could dance to...hoiwever, there were slow songs, and as there were, a swamp of people just crashed right in (because the music was... well.. atleast better than the music for the fast songs...)
The prom ended nicely at around 12:00, after that, Sof, Ivan, Ross and Kim slept over at my house, we had an enjoyable evening, unforuantely by the time we finally arrived at my house it was already 12:40 so what happened was we all changed, and went outside to watch 'stars' ... howveer we got nothing but clouds,, so we just chated and stuff, I got as I realized the next day, I have exactly 8 mosquito bites!! they itch and hurt!! well, anywayz.. we went back in around 2:00 and watched Sof's The Phantom of the Opera DVD. After the first half or probably not even, , Sof and Ivan couldn't take it anymore(of trying to stay awake) and just head to bed and sleep.So that left Me, Kim and ROss no choice but to finish watching it. We finished at around 5:00am and we had nothing better to do, so we decided to go outside and watch the sunrise, ahem,.. the kind where the sun doesn't rise, due to the large amount of clouds. Kim and Ross got bored and were becoming crazy from the lack of sleep and tiredness, so they decided to sing (yes at 5:00 am)

I was staring just incase sthe neighbours wanted to do something about the... noise and singing! tehee

oh .. by the way Kim, because your excellent Animal imitating skills, that Robin you were trying to talk to that morning is still at my backyard searching for its... friend...
anywayz... after doing some stuff on the computer with Ross and Kim sleeping on the floor, we couldn't hold our tiredness anymore, and decided to check on Sof and Ivan, before we ourselves headed for bed... I don't know what exactly happned, but at around 7:00 I went to bed and woke up at around 11:30 where my mom started lecturing me about 'stuff'.
Everyone left my house at 12:30, and that was it... that's my story and incites of prom...
(Ross and KIM: AH HA! I've updated my blog!! ) lol