These are some germ/virus/bacteria hacks I learned from watching a Japanese TV show today. (apologies in advance for the broken English since these tips were directly translated from Japanese)
Please note I use germs/virus/bacteria ๐ฆ but these tips apply to all of them
- Use cold water to wash hands, that way your skin barrier won't break AND numerous studies show that hot water can't kill germs
- Do not gargle... this is useless, it will do more harm than good... you will not only get rid of the fighting mechanisms barrier in your throat (which are there to protect you from germs) but you will open up a path for the germs to get into your body.
- Do not use a hand sanitizer and soap hand washing simultaneously. It is unnecessary and either one will do. Doing this ruins your skin's protective barrier and allows the virus to enter the body.
- When using a hand sanitizer (those with a pump) you must push ALL THE WAY to the bottom. If you only push halfway, the amount is not enough to clean your hands. Manufacturers have specifically made the pumps to pump out the perfect amount for you to clean your hands. THe only time you don't need all of that hand sanitizer is when you are only trying to clean your fingertips.
- Of the various kinds of hand sanitizers (foam, gel, etc) Gel type is the best, it is better to manage and has a smaller amount. You only need to rub vigorously for 15-20 seconds.
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