Sorry guys... haven't blogged for a long time!! but hey!! I"M FINALLY HERE! lol
Today was great!! well... actually it didn't start out great but... it sure did... o by the way... when I say 'day" I mean school day... anywayz.. at first it started like any other school day... just did some international Business and ... it was all right... than went to calc... bleh! same as usual... BUT!!! after lunch,for Food and Nutrition... our group (me, Pooja, Jinan, and Kaushali) made candy cane cookies... brutal I tell you...
Finally PHILOSOPHY!!! (not that I'm THAT fond of it!) but guess what?? today Ms. HW asked me two questions.. and I actually got them right!
anywayz... just a few minutes ago... while I was on MSN, I received a forward msg thought this might be interesting to share! God allows u to it, He will bring you through it.
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment, thank God.
Pass this message to seven people except you and me.
You will receive a miracle tomorrow ( just do it)
Anywayz... ttyl!
forward msgs are so dumb. they never come true - if not coincidentally.
12/9/2004 8:21 AM
sofz (message)
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